Phil Tippett’s Mad God Kickstarter (Part 2)

Storyboarding the Star Wars universe

Cinefex revisits Willis O’Brien (with some startling revelations)

three.js r28

For the last few weeks I’ve been quite focused on developing the engine and I think the API is starting to get quite stable. I’m still unsure on what parts of the API need to be included in the actual build and what parts should just keep outside.

For instance, primitives is something you don’t want to have in the compiled .js file. If you need a Cube, Sphere, … I think it’s easier to have it in /js/geometry/primives/*. Otherwise we end up having a 100kbytes file just for drawing a bunch of particles. I really want to avoid that, right now it’s 60kbytes. But that includes all the renderers, if you’re only going to use CanvasRenderer, you can save 20-30kb by removing the SVGRenderer, WebGLRenderer, … logic. These scripts do that automatically.

Mr. AlteredQualia has been doing an awesome job with the WebGLRenderer these past weeks. If you have WebGL enabled, these 400k polys are waiting for you.

There is still quite a bit of work to do here and there, specially on the materials side (Mapping types, Blending, Gouraud, Phong… ) but it’ll all come in good time 🙂

How do you debug JavaScript?

Joe Parry suggested by email to write a follow up to the post about JavaScript IDEs. That’s also one of the common questions and I intended to include it on the first post but I forgot :S

I’ve heard many people referring to Firebug as the best way to debug when coding JavaScript but I’ve never got to try it out properly as I started coding directly with/for Chrome. So in my case I mainly use the Webkit Inspector/Developer Tools panel.

However, rather than debug the code I usually log stuff instead for which console.log(), console.log(), console.error(), console.warn(), gives me way more than I need. Specially coming from Flash where the console is so basic that everyone keeps building their own logging library.

At this last Google I/O I saw this presentation about the Developer Tools that left me quite impressed of how much stuff I was missing.


WebGL Podcast – Episode 3

Got interviewed on the 3rd episode of the WebGL Podcast.

Time to build tools.

And here’s a talk I did one month later at dotJS.

For this one I only had 20 minutes and I had to be sharp. So rehearsing was required again.


Oh, and no… that’s not my laptop. Not really a fan of stickers on laptops 😛

What's next for three.js?

Here’s a quick talk I did some months ago with Branislav at JSConf EU.


This was the first time I rehearsed a talk. Not sure if that makes things better or worse.

Making of ROME

This time around, the now traditional making of blog post is a video instead..

I didn’t go much into detail but hopefully there are some interesting bits:


Thanks to Mozilla for sponsoring!

Clean up

Don’t include in your portfolio projects you wouldn’t enjoy doing again.

That’s something I learnt right when I started The aim there was just to share some experimentation and have fun, wasn’t meant to be my portfolio but people started contacting me proposing interesting projects. At that point I took down my old (and boring) portfolio here and kept doing experiments over there.

So now it’s time to apply that again… At this point I’ve no interest on doing Flash projects any more, hence I’ve removed all the Flash projects and experiments (files are still there, just not linked).