Ae roto Scene
Posted in: Adobe After Effects
I shot some 120 HD sequences using my DSLR camera (Canon 550D) and all need color correction as the white balance was not set. Some sequences are indoors and some of them are outdoors and some are under tree shades.
Am looking for recommendations which can help me in a efficient workflow.
Here are my current thoughts, kindly comment.
1. Convert all sequences to Edit friendly format (I use Avid DNxHD codec)
2. Edit them in Premiere as per the need
3. Export to AE and Color Correct the “edited” footage
(this edit sequence could be a mixture of Indoor and outdoor shots also).
I am not sure if this is the right way or is it better to color correct the original and then convert to Edit formats and then proceed.
Basically I am confused :confused:
PS: Took the liberty of calling them as Sequences, as the DSLR creates a separate MOV file for each record press.
When I solo the green channel using Show Channel in the viewer it is perfect, but I cannot export this as it is preview only. So I used Channel Mixer to solo the green channel and checked the monochrome option BUT I end up with a black screen.
Next I tried soloing the green channel and then applying a grayscale Tint. However this gives a different result to the preview. The tint effect darkens the image slightly and makes the whites turn gray.
I have tried many different solutions but I cannot get the perfect result.
Any suggestions?
I know The Mill in New York has several Flame suites, and I’m sure they use Shake / Nuke etc … but I hear they use AE for some vfx as well.
I was curious do they use it a lot for comping!?
Atlanta, Philadelphia and San Francisco
The Motion Graphics Festival is the premier creative conference for motion design, visual effects, sound design and interface technology, presenting a wide array of events including: art showcases, workshops, panel discussions, studio tours, theater screenings, industry mixers and audio visual showcases. Throughout July, MGFest is touring Atlanta (9-11 July), Philadelphia (24-25 July), and San Francisco (30 July 1 August) delivering workshops and screenings focused in motion and sound design. Entertainment events include screenings with artists curated from international talent, such as: The Mill, Dvein, Pleix, Psyop, Herzog & De Meuron, Warp Records, The Crystal Method, Royksopp, Assassin’s Creed 2, LucasArts and many more.
With an artistic lineup of events focused on discovering new talent and providing them an opportunity to showcase their work, Call For Entry submissions are accepted throughout the year.
To enter, please go to:
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Atlanta Motion Graphics Festival 2010
Friday 9 Sunday 11 July
The festival arrives with three days of workshops, entertainment and networking events. Friday starts MGFest off with a speakers series, networking lunch and screenings. The weekend brings workshops in Cinema 4D, Creative Motion Design with After Effects and Photoshop, and Introduction to Flash Animation. On Saturday night, MGFest teams up with City Skies, showcasing the best of electronic music, featuring artists such as: John Vorus, Johnn Jitters, Phylum Sinter, and citizenGreen. Spaces in workshops are filling up fast and the Saturday Cinema 4D class is already sold out, so reserve you place soon.
Full Event Information and registration:
Philadelphia Motion Graphics MINI Festival 2010
Saturday 24 Sunday 25 July
MGFest Philadelphia is a mini weekend festival exclusively featuring workshops and screenings. The festival arrives with workshops in Cinema 4D and Adobe After Effects. MGFest will then host screenings in the evenings from 6:00pm to 8:00pm, with its MGFest Philadelphia Screening on Saturday and Stash Best of 2009 Screening on Sunday. Seats are limited so get your tickets soon.
Full Event Information and registration:
San Francisco Motion Graphics Festival 2010
Friday 30 July Sunday 1 August
MGFest San Fran provides three days of workshops and a weekend of screenings. Workshops include Cinema 4D with Mograph, Adobe After Effects, Introduction to Flash, and Sound Design. MGFest will then host weekend screenings in the evenings from 6:00pm to 8:00pm, with its MGFest San Francisco Screening on Saturday and Stash Best of 2009 Screening on Sunday.
Full Event Information and registration:
after effects to mini dv
Posted in: Adobe After Effectsi have a finished animation that i need to get onto mini dv to be shown at a festival, can anyone tell me if there is a way to transfer from after effects to my canon xha1 via firewire? or should this be done in premier? if premier any tips as well?
please tell me its possible…im up against the wall on this one!
thanks a million!
3ds Max w/ MR to AE question
Posted in: Adobe After EffectsIf so, could you explain what render elements in Max you use and your workflow putting them together in After Effects?
RenderMan Compositing in AE
Posted in: Adobe After EffectsThanks
Maybe it’s something in my settings for Qmaster, but if someone has a fix I’d be very grateful. So far Qmaster is acting like a glorified Render Que and only rendering one frame at a time. I feel like it can be so much more, I just need a little help.
Any takers?
There is a screencap of the settings I’m using attached.