Scale .01 no .0001?


This might be a noob question but is it possible to have more decimals?
I have scaled some layers to .1 but I want it to way smaller like .01 or .001. Is there a way to do this in AE?

Thanks already,

rotoscopy through trackers.

Hi all:) how r u. Being a fresher , i would like to ask u all that how can we do roto through tracking. Can it be done and if yes then how. Kindly help me to solve this querry. Thanx in advance to all.

compositing of 3d render layer passes

Hi everyone i need help of u people anybody knows how to composite diffrent render layer passes in after effects like ao,specular,reflection,refraction,shadow,etc….pl ease help me if anyone knows………..thanks 🙁

Keylight and those darn glowing borders

Someone please explain to me how to rid those annoying edges in keylight. A lot of people are lyric about keylight and it does a sweet job overall, but whatever I do, I keep getting light edges on dark subjects with a black background.

I can waste hours with my keys and still have those edges forfeit all my effords to make it look good. So apparently there’s one trick unrelated to the rest of the key that I am just not getting.

Quick example:

Original footage

Pulling key
Ignoring refinement because it’s unrelated in all my effords.

Black background, nevermind the bad key
Any dark background makes this key look bad

It is as if the physical edge is fixed by a thin black line (which is okay), followed by a big whitish smear. And when compared to the alpha channel, this smear is often supposed to be pretty much invisible, but it is painly visible over any dark background, whether I unpremultiply or not.

Clipping blacks ofcourse cleans the dust in the background, but it hardly touches the light borders even they appear on very transparent area’s, according to alpha.

I can do some edgeblur and lightwrap, although dark backgrounds hardly have anything to wrap, but to overcome this I must really make unrealistic smears and blurs.

Attached Thumbnails

Click image for larger version

Name:	SPU WKey1.jpg
Views:	N/A
Size:	38.8 KB
ID:	8550

Click image for larger version

Name:	SPU WKey2.jpg
Views:	N/A
Size:	56.0 KB
ID:	8551

Click image for larger version

Name:	SPU WKey3.jpg
Views:	N/A
Size:	38.1 KB
ID:	8552

Is the BBC breaking Pal??

I just read this linked article on another forum and it has me very confused.…turesize.shtml

the basic jist of it is that 4:3 pal is now actually 788×576 and that 16:9 is now 1050×576 square pixels.

Am I going to get my ass slapped for submitting work to these “new” standards?
I’ve only ever done work to the old pal standards and never had a problem.
I also read that these new standards are default settings in CS4, is this true as I only have CS3

plugins for aftereffects?

Hello Friends

Am a beginner using After effects

I saw the tutorials from Eran Stern and Aharon from

Their creativity is simply superb and i used to follow all the tutorials done by them

but i do have a problem while practicing their tutorials myself

they use a lot of plugins of which some i couldnt find to download

Especially cc plugins like cc vector blur, cc particle world, cc smear and many more….

Can any of you guide me where could i download those plugins

i searched in rapidshare using rapid library but i couldnt find any result

if u guys find anything then please lemme know

thanks for your help

720p to 1080p Output question

Hello, I have a question. I film a project in 1080p 30fps. Then I crop it into 720p which allow me to do some 2D pans and tilts because of the information outside the frame.

NOW! I have to submit the file in 1080p 23.976 with Avid DNxHD 1080p 36 8bit codec . I cant put in native 1080p because I will loose my 2D camera movements and I think if I scale up it will look like %$!”$. Also, is it safe to change the frame rate from 30fps to 23.976 just like that on the export settings?. I’m using after effects on a MAC I also have Final Cut.

So, what do you recommend to keep the image sharp and still meet the requirements? If you need more information just ask me. Thank you!

viewing individual image names in a tga sequence

Hi yall,

This may be a noobular question, but I can’t seem to find the answer anywhere due to the fact that I can’t describe it to a search engine !

I import an image sequence that is 200 frames long and the file names start at a number like 39,888 and range to 40,088.

I wish to do some work on frame 119-135 in after effects (which would be frames 40,007 – 40,023 in explorer) . How can I find out what the name of the exact images I am working on in after effects without counting through the files in windows explorer?

Does anyone know? Coz it seems at the moment that AE won’t break the file down into individual files.

Thanks heaps!

tracking and scaling

i want to track a square sign (& change the text there).
the camera zooms into it & out, back & forward.
the sign color is cream.
the background is white.
the tracker track a few frames good & then fails…on & on…
how to overcome this?

Effect limited to layer box

I’m applying an effect to a layer, but it’s limited to the layer bounding box. For example: a have a tiny layer floating on a room. I want light rays coming from it and invading the whole room. For some reason, the light rays effect is limited to the tiny layer’s bounding box.

Any way around this?