Now ‘ve decided to take up VFX as my career i’ve lot of things goin through my mind, may be this is the right place to pose them
1.I’ve a degree so not looking for one more in Vfx but want to learn from a good institute in India or abroad,
if u can suggest some good ones in India….
by my research i got to know VFS offers one yr power packed course(expensive),
so is lostboys (46 weeks)(lesser than VFS),
escape studios around 12 weeks(costly for such a short time but even its power paked),
Academy of Art(if ur a graduate then u can have second bacheolars for two yrs –lesser then VFS)
n most other are offering degree course which i cant do now…
so a maximum of 2yrs is wat ‘m looking at… among these which one is worth the money?? and has placement opportunities….being an international student ‘ve look into stay, fee as well for placement so post ur suggestions
(looking for both students and industry insiders suggestions pls help)
2. My experience in this field is nill in the sense ‘d done basics of animation like ball bounce,walk cycle , dog fight etc and nothing related to Vfx till now…but standards here are low so planning to study in a good inst…
so do u want me to learn few things regarding this in India b4 flying abroad since most in those classes have yrs of experience in the field.."m still very new to this field so should i jump into these schools right away ? can i cope up?? or do some course over here then plan of going to these schools???
3. How far does the knowledge of art helps u in this field??
4.I’m learning MEL on my own…so far will that be helpful??
hoping to get some replys:thumbsup:
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