
I am a complete beginner and have just recently considered the vfx field. I have knowledge of some adobe programs, I am in college. From what I’ve seen and read, I’m aware that college and university will not prepare you for this career choice. I am prepared to teach myself and find resources to learn what is necessary. I have done some basic roto. I have also used After effects, 3ds max, Maya, and Mocha although very basic stuff.

I am just wondering, I am 20 years old and already feel like I am late and clueless to begin persuing this. I have always had an interest in film, visual effects, and I am artistically inclined.. meaning I draw/paint very well, and have a pretty good eye for details. I also pick up computer programs relatively well

Do you think that this is a good career choice for someone as much of a beginner as me, and about how long would it take for me to say develop great skills in rotoing and look for an entry level job?



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