Bingo is a popular game among all demographics and it has plenty of fans among men and women. Statistics, however, will highlight the fact that a significant percentage of those who play Bingo online and offline are women. Furthermore, it looks like most of the new players who embrace Internet Bingo are also women, so this trend is unlikely to lose steam in the foreseeable future. Overall, the online Bingo community grows every day and the game becomes more popular as men and women alike tag along.
Most of the casual players are women
Land-based casinos and Bingo parlours have always appealed to female gamblers, even though the vast majority of players were male. Women are generally recreational players who enjoy spending some quality time in a secure and fun environment. Playing bingo has been for many years more of an excuse to socialise, get together with friends and have a chat. With the game running in the background, women could spend some quality time and play a simple game that would alleviate the stress.
Casual players prefer games that have simple rules and don’t mind if the outcome relies exclusively on luck. That’s because the goal isn’t to win large amounts of money or to acquire the skills needed to become a professional player. Not surprisingly, women have just as much fun playing Bingo on real and virtual currency, as long as they can socialise during the game. Bingo parlours have always provided this kind of entertainment and today, an online casino can offer the same advantages.
Overall, there are more men gambling in both land-based and online casinos than women, so it can be a bit surprising that there are more women playing Bingo. The reason why these two seemingly opposite scenarios happen simultaneously is that much fewer women play other games. Female gamblers have largely forsaken other types of online casino games and instead, have flocked to a select few. Bingo has always been among their favourites and the advent of Internet games have only made it more popular.
Mobile devices propel Bingo forward
Many online casino brands like Conquer Casino UK were quick to notice this preference for Bingo among women players and have made certain adjustments to their websites. On one hand, their pages are more colourful, user-friendly and easy to navigate by amateurs. Several types of Bingo, including all the popular games from brick-and-mortar venues, can now be played online. In anticipation of the next round, but also during a game of Bingo, players can use the live chat feature to talk to each other.
While men dominate the gambling landscape, the number of women and men who own mobile devices is roughly the same. This explains why so many new women players have joined the ranks of gamblers who enjoy Bingo at Internet casinos. Smartphones and tablets are perfectly suited to run these games, thanks to the dedicated apps developed by online casinos. As stated above, most of the casual players are women and mobile devices are the preferred instrument for recreational punters, so it all makes sense.
The post Why do more women play ‘Bingo’ than men? appeared first on AnimationXpress.
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