Saudi-Japanese animated feature secures distribution deals

Animated feature titled The Journey co-produced by Saudi animation studios Manga Productions and Japan’s Toei Animation, secures deal with Dubai-based Vox Cinemas for the theatrical distribution across Middle East and North Africa. The Journey tells the story of Aws, a potter with a secret past who’s caught up in an epic battle to defend his city.

Manga has also announced that the toon epic based on Saudi folklore and directed by Japan’s Shizuno Kobun (Godzilla: City on the Edge of Battle) will be going out in Japan via Toei subsidiary T-Joy.

Manga Productions’ first anime series Future’s Folktales, consists of thirteen 23-minute episodes and revolves revolves around a Saudi family that lives in Riyadh in the year 2050. Co-produced with Toei, the series has been airing successfully since January on Middle East satcaster MBC and its Shahid digital platform, with each episode beginning in the future and then time-traveling back to different past periods.

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