
A story about Impossible Love Shot On Canon C100 lenses : Canon 16-35 / 70-200 & 50 mm Directed & Edited by John paldacci The Girl : Lucile Delanne The Guy : Martial Paoli The arm : Paul Andre Picchioli Music ( final part ) : John Paldacci Voice Over : J.P poem : The evening sun shining down upon your face Your dazzling hair flowing softly in the gentle wind Your shapely cheeks filled with rosy plumes Your stunning eyes melting me with but one look I caress your face, my hands through your hair Your tears slowly away, never to return My arms around your delicate body Relieving all fears, all worries Our eyes, once met, never leaving Our lips, once pressed, never yielding Our minds, once merged, never apart Our hearts, once one, together always – Ross Thomson –

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