Eiichiro Oda’s One Piece first began serialization in Shueisha’s Weekly Shonen Jump in 1997. It has since been collected into over 80 volumes and has been a critical and commercial success worldwide with many of the volumes breaking printing records in Japan. The manga has even set a Guinness World Record for the most copies published for the same comic book by a single author and is the best-selling manga series worldwide with over 430 million copies sold. The series still ranked number one in manga sales in 2018, which surprised fans of major new entries.
As shown in the preview for the episode shown last time, Episode 885 of the series is titled In the Dark Recesses of the Holy Land! A Mysterious Giant Straw Hat and as the title suggests, there’s a huge straw hat at the mysterious portion of the holy land.
A silhouetted figure passes through a fog. Considering its tall crown and its ability to freely roam the halls of Mariejois, there’s a tease that this figure is important to Mariejois as a whole. This figure comes across a room with a giant Straw Hat has been hiding inside, and is flourishing Luffy’s wanted poster as a way to compare the two.
We wish to find out more about it. We shall keep you updated.
The post ‘One Piece’ reveals Huge New Straw Hat Mystery appeared first on AnimationXpress.
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