Hey you just watched this….and this is crazy, but thanks for watching, so subscribe maybe?
this took forever…. hence the upload at 4:00 AM im excited for the movie ha ha
Edit: Came back from my grandma’s to find this video with half a million views… holy shit, It isn’t even that good lol I thought the visual effects sucked, but thanks for the kind wordsXD
I had nothing to do yesterday so I started once the trailer came out so i built the Falcon, The X-Wing, The speeder bike thingy, a mini tie fighter, tried to build all the sets, and get all my minifigures put together… then just filming took forever especially the the special effects… i tried stop motion in front of the green screen and that was hard and by this time it was 3am so like more than 12 hours (i took a 3 hour break somewhere) and then finally gave up and used sewing string for the X-Wing and just kind of moved my camera around the falcon, i wasn’t as happy with the falcon shot but i cant work on it at all today so i had to finish it like 4 hours ago, but i just woke up to go to my grandparents house, and now you know everything about how it was made!!
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