Fixing Third-Party Plugins in Cinema 4D R20

Ready to get up and running with Cinema 4D R20, but noticed all your third-party plugins are not working? Here’s the fix.

Cinema 4D R20 introduced a ton of new features and options, but you may notice a new change when trying to install your go-to plugins. All third-party plugins are not initially compatible with Cinema 4D R20, so you will need to update every plugin, whether they are from Greyscalegorilla or not.

To get the R20 compatible version of your third-party plugin, you’ll need to go back to the original developer or market you purchased the plugins from.

If you purchased a Greyscalegorilla plugin from our site, the updated R20 compatible version is now available in your Greyscalegorilla Account. Head over to Your Products and Training to find the most recent update. You will need to do a complete install with the new zip file.

The following Greyscalegorilla Plugins are R20 compatible with the free updated download:

Note: We are actively working on an update to make Signal R20 compatible.

For X-Particles customers, Insydium LTD has released the following,

We are pleased to announce you’ll soon be able to use our latest Cycles 4D and X-Particles with MAXONs Cinema 4D R20. Please note: Your existing plugins will not work with R20, you will need our new builds, which will be going out under the Early Access Programme. More info to follow soon!

If you purchased Greyscalegorilla plugins from re-sellers, like Toolfarm, your Toolfarm account will be automatically updated with the latest download.

For other third-party plugins purchased on other sites, head over there to find your updated download. Keep in mind that R20 is a new release and other vendors may take need some more time to release their updates.

Start Learning about Cinema 4D R20

Curious about what’s new in R20? Get started with these tutorials.

The post Fixing Third-Party Plugins in Cinema 4D R20 appeared first on Greyscalegorilla.

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