Comic Con India which has popularised the idea of gaming and comics all over the country received three acclaims at the Wow Awards, including a Gold for the best Exhibition/Tradeshow Property of the Year and the best Lifestyle Property of the Year, and a Silver in Festival of the Year – Art/Culture/Lifestyle.
The Wow Awards are nation’s highest honours for events and experiences. An initiative of EVENTFAQS, Wow Awards was conceptualised in 2008 as the industry benchmark for excellence in brand experience creation. It is also the most holistic recognition platform in the world encompassing almost every aspect of the event business.
With more than 1000 nominations from organisations of all sizes, these are one of Asia’s most prestigious awards for the Asian Experiential event industry.
On its big win, Comic Con founder Jatin Varma said, “The Comic Con team works hard to create a great show for our fans, partners and sponsors. It’s a great feeling to have that work acknowledged.”
Comic Con India is dedicated to creating unique events and giving the fans, exhibitors and partners a platform to celebrate their undying love and passion for comics and pop culture. It is dedicated to expanding India’s popular culture by creating high profile events that cater to fans of not only comics but also gaming, movies, television, merchandise, toys and more.
Comic Con is part of the Reedpop family of events which is dedicated to producing world-class celebrations of popular culture around the world with events like New York Comic Con, Oz Comic Con, Shanghai Comic Con, Paris Comic Con, Star Wars Celebration among many others.
The post Comic Con India bags two golds and one silver at Wow Awards 2017 appeared first on AnimationXpress.
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