Bonds in Australia is marking Fathers Day 2016 with an advertising campaign recognising the endurance required of not only post natal mothers, but also post natal dads. A tongue in cheek film features a post natal support group for dads who reflect on the impact birth has had on their dad’s bods. Print ads present the same guys in their undies, reflecting on cravings, getting up for a feed, changed body shape and increased weight. The Bonds Think of Fathers campaign encourages everyone to ‘Think of Fathers’ and buy their dads some comfy undies for Sunday, September 4.
From the Bonds blog: “It’s not just mums who find the suddenness of parenthood a confusing, tiring and emotionally-turbulent time. Going from dude to dad is also a big adjustment – often in the waistband area. Forget what you’ve seen splashed across TMZ or the Daily Mail. Those images of a topless David Beckham jogging post-baby, without an ounce of love handle, isn’t what you see behind the closed doors of the average man’s bathroom. For many dads the reality is they don’t bounce back after childbirth. Why else has the term Dad Bod been invented? That’s why this Father’s Day we’re asking you to really think of fathers.”
Bonds Think of Fathers Credits
The Bonds Think of Fathers campaign was developed at Clemenger BBDO Melbourne by creative chairman James McGrath, chief creative officer Ant Keogh, creative director Ant Phillips, creative director Richard Williams, senior producer Lisa Moro, operations director Sharon Adams, account director Grant Oorloff, working with Bonds head of marketing Emily Small, senior brand manager Mahli Pullen, assistant brand manager Kedda Ghazarian, group managing director Simon Lamplough.
Filming was shot by director Tony Rogers via Guilty with director of photography Marin Johnson, producer Jason Byrne, editor Sam Coates and photographer Chris Budgeon.
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