BlockPunk uses blockchain dao technology to open up the commercial rights and master files to world’s first 4K anime film

BlockPunk the blockchain anime studio, is opening up access to the commercial rights and master creative assets of the world’s 1st 4K anime film Lights of Sand by using blockchain. The blockchain anime studio, is announcing the collaboration with leading anime creators Hiroyuki Yamaga (producer, Neon Genesis Evangelion), Yoshiyuki Sadamoto (character designer, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Great Pretender), and Hiroaki Takeuchi (The Animatrix, Netflix anime original Sound and Fury) in a ground-breaking world first involving anime and blockchain.

The commercial rights and exclusive access to master creative assets to the team’s 4K anime short film Lights of Sand will be made available as a co-producer digital token recorded on blockchain. BlockPunk is minting 20 co-producer digital tokens for sale on blockpunk’s official website available to any fan or budding producer. Each token allows the holder to access the master creative assets for remixing, a private online group, exclusive merch and the right to exploit the commercial rights according to brand guidelines. The commercial proposals can be submitted by token holders in an online community driven by blockchain DAO protocol Aragon.

With the growing popularity of anime around the world, piracy and illegal unlicensed merch is an issue. In this project, BlockPunk is experimenting with a new approach that uses the immutability and cryptography of blockchain records. By tracking rights through ownership of unique tokens, fans and creators and come together in an online salon that is a trusted peer-to-peer environment. This environment can then spark new ideas for creative assets.

In addition to the co-producer tokens, a range of smart merchandise will also be available using BlockPunk’s smart tagging technology. Each Smart Art Print is made to order by Dai Nippon Printing in Japan for each buyer and comes embedded with an NFC chip on the back of the artwork that can be scanned by smartphone to show the digital certificate of authenticity recorded on blockchain. Likewise, each smart apparel item comes with a unique QR code linking to the owner certificate. The certificate records artwork details, creator and description in addition to a proof of ownership. The owner can then choose to transfer the ownership when reselling or gifting.

Exclusive extras: Each buyer of smart art prints will also receive a signed postcard from one of the creators, either Hiroyuki Yamaga, Yoshiyuki Sadamoto or animation director Sumie Kinoshita. Each co-producer token buyer will also receive a complementary smart art print (A3) and a charge on hoodie.

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