006 Snapdragon
Posted in: Animation
Get it now! http://www.division05.com/006snapdragon/ Or at https://gum.co/aBlDh In this comprehensive video series, we take a professional motion graphics project all the way from conception to execution to finishing to after-party, to after-after party where everyone’s wwwwasted but refuses to go home and that gross couple in the corner will NOT stop making out. In other words, this beast is huge, and bidding currently starts at less than the price of a KFC Family Bucket Meal, and you won’t even get stomach cramps! What you WILL get is a highly illustrated, in-depth look at the entire creative process of a real-world project for a large client, and I’ll show you the dirty guts of visual storytelling, branding, design, you name it, all while putting together a rad standalone piece that you can later tear apart like the animal you are. Find the rest of the full episodes here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTqZMlRoqu-houIR6VqWgJg
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