There is no question about animation booming in the modern world. Aside from the ever-developing studios for games and cartoons in Europe and the Americas, there is also a huge rise in Anime creations, originating in Japan but with big names rising in Korea and China. And, it seems that the world of online gambling is using this advantage to the fullest and trying to apply these advances to their own business model.
This change is important for several reasons, as it separates what was possible in the real world with mechanics and digital displays, and the virtually (no pun intended) limitless possibilities of cyberspace.
When switching to online, not only can these games become flashier and host intellectual property from video games, movies, comic books, and TV shows, but also can influence the mechanics. Some things that are simply impossible due to Newtonian physics and classical mechanics are completely okay for games online.
The future is now, or soon
Technology didn’t only allow for new gambling games to develop but has also improved on the traditional casino games where we can get a sense of sitting in a brick and mortar casino without ever moving our face from the screen.
Independent reviewers recently found out that most players in India prefer live casinos, and enjoy playing games like poker or blackjack. This is an important piece of information because India is one of the biggest global markets in the world and it can tell us where gaming developers will tend to go.
The biggest future unknown for online gambling is VR. Even though the current levels of immersion are slim, there are huge strides and you can now walk in VR through a virtual casino. If this becomes any better, brick and mortar establishments will be in more danger than they are today.

How animation helped gambling so far?
Simply analyzing the current offer when it comes to online gambling in general we can see how much animation techniques are used to improve the sensations.
For traditional games, it is used to increase immersion and animate either just the dealer or even other players, cards, dice, and everything else. Even though the result when casting dice was calculated in microseconds using an algorithm, it is fun to wait for them to drop and roll around.
Additionally, for spinners and similar iGaming options the animation is the base upon which they are built. The excitement with which the numbers, symbols, or objects spin are half of the fun, and explosions and animations usually inform us instinctively if we have done well or not.
Virtual reality and augmented reality
VR and AR will probably be the biggest advantages, not only for online gambling but possibly for IRL gambling as well. Augmented reality may allow us to blend the line between virtual and physical, letting us see things around us that are either thousands of miles away, or non-existent entirely.
It is plausible that in the future online gaming will mean having actual poker nights with your buddies from all over the world, everybody sitting at their own kitchen table but seeing everyone else, and the virtual dealer.
Is this dangerous?
There are some scars from both legislators and third-parties that the same tricks used to entice people to play video games will be used to draw in players for online gambling. Ironically, non-wager games were under more scrutiny from the public in the last few years than online gambling, probably due to the lack of restrictive legislation that is present with gambling.
But, as the numbers are showing right now, these claims are currently baseless, and would maybe only evolve into something more sinister in the far future. It seems that the rise of online gambling has made the opposite impact of addiction, with more people realizing that they should be playing for fun and not strictly profit.
Additionally, greater transparency online has allowed independent reviewers to see the same games, exposing any predatory practices and exploitive games. This wasn’t possible in traditional casinos and is a major boon for players around the world.
Finally, because of the low price of organizing the games and the sheer size of the market, operators do their best to stay away from any predatory practices in the player’s market.
Time is unstoppable
If Cher wasn’t able to turn back time, there is no chance for us mere mortals. The best thing we can do is to adapt and use everything that is offered while staying aware of the risks. Too much of anything is not a good thing, including playing games.
But, if we combine the efforts of reviewers, legislators, and the online community, we can be sure that we are playing safely and with the best options provided to us. The only thing left is to have fun.
The post Is animation the next wind in the back of online gambling? appeared first on AnimationXpress.