How Cars Got Safe | WheelHouse | Donut Media

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Cars are safer than ever, with CAD assisted designs leading the way for crash survivability. But it wasn’t always like that. Cars used to be rolling death traps with no regard for safety. Join Nolan Sykes and explore the evolution of auto safety.

WheelHouse answers all the questions about the automotive world you never thought to ask. Nolan Sykes looks at the history, sociology and psychology behind the cars you love, and the features you might overlook.

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Donut Media is at the center of digital media for the next generation of automotive and motorsports enthusiasts. We are drivers, drifters, and car enthusiasts who love to tell stories.

Why sports sound better in your living room

Audio engineers are the unsung heroes of the live sports broadcast.

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We don’t often think about audio when we watch sports on TV, but it’s a huge part of the experience. We spoke with several A1 audio engineers who mix the sounds of sports to learn more about what it takes to capture the crack of the bat and the swish of the net.

From the cadence of the quarterback to the sounds of skates on ice, audio mixers are tasked with getting microphones close enough to the action to gather the sounds but still out of the way of the players and the fans.

Once the microphones are set up, they handle the stressful task of live mixing all the audio for the broadcast, so that we can hear the announcers and the sounds of the game, despite thousands of screaming fans and the PA system blaring music.

In the end, if they do the job right, you’ll forget they exist. is a news website that helps you cut through the noise and understand what’s really driving the events in the headlines. Check out

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Awaken Akira

Awaken Akira was created by two friends, Ash Thorp and Zaoeyo (XiaoLin Zeng), who wanted to collaborate on a tribute to the iconic anime, Akira, by Katsuhiro Otomo. It’s creation took over a year, as we had to coordinate our time on it with other project commitments.

We hope you find it was well worth the wait and truly enjoy our efforts. We would like to thank Pilotpriest for the masterful score, as well as Raf Grassetti and The Joelsons for their help on the project. We would also like to give our most sincere thank you to Otomo-san and all the men and women who helped bring Akira to life. Akira has and will always be a timeless and continual muse for all of us.

For the complete experience, please visit

Tribute by – ASH THORP & ZAOEYO


Character Modeler – RAF GRASSETTI

Photography – THE JOELSONS

Website by – OBLIO

Emergence VR

A VR interpretation of my fractal short film Emergence. “Star Trails” is taken from the forthcoming album ‘Behind The Sky’ by In The Branches + Bluetech. Help make this release happen on vinyl! Pre-order double LP here:


An observational exploration of routine, monotony, attention and distraction. Will we continue to let events pass us by uncontested, or will we decide to break the cycle? “Life Cycles” is this week’s Staff Pick Premiere! Read more about it here:

A Garbage Story

Meet Nick DiMola, a bonafide trash connoisseur. He loves his job and he loves garbage. Over 30 years in the garbage business, he has collected a museum’s worth of old and rare items, most of it from the estates of dead people. With every piece of trash that he saves from the landfill, a piece of history lives on. Director: Olivier Bernier Producer: Patrick Solomon Starring: Nick Dimola Executive Producer: Tiffany Deguzman, Olivier Bernier Cinematographer: Colin Morvan Editor: Olivier Bernier Post Production Supervisor: Justin Timms Additional Photography: Boaz Tcherikover Production Assistant: Christopher Escandon Music: Adam Bokesch, Bill Justice


The new Russian tourism brand Russia is tremendous and vast. It has everything one can imagine: from subtropical to Arctic regions and climates, from the deepest lakes to the highest peaks. The truth is, Russia is not only huge in sheer size, but in other aspects as well – it stretches from the past to the future, comprising multiple cultures and preserving thousands of stories and memories. The Whole World within Russia. Made by Association of Branding Agencies of Russia for Rostourism. Team: Vladimir Lifanov, Ilya Lazuchenkov, Egor Myznik, Denis Shlesberg, Erken Kagarov, Sergey Rasskazov.


Скорость жизни / Speed of life алгоритмическая проекция, документальный фильм algorithmic projection, documentary Абстрактные объекты на проекции медленно движутся согласно динамике твердых тел, активная окружающая среда за счет обратной связи наполняется частицами рекурсивных реакций. В этом алгоритмически обусловленном, но вероятностно нестабильном графическом полотне видна метафора причинно-следственной связи и рефлексия на события в жизни сообществ. Происходящее фиксируется камерой с низкой частотой кадров. Вся реальная ситуация пространства экспозиции оказывается в документальном фильме, внутри другого времени, погружая наблюдателя в ощущение вечности и мимолетности взгляда издалека на произошедшее минуты назад. Abstract objects on the projection are moving slowly according to the solid dynamics, an active environment is filled with bits of recursive reactions. This algorithmically conditioned but probabilistically unstable graphical canvas depicts a metaphor of causation and reflection on the events in the life of communities. All the scene is filming with low frame rate. The real situation in the space of the exhibition turns to a documentary, in another time, it immerses the observer in eternity and transience of the view from afar on the events happened a minute ago.


Subsequence, 2017 algorithmic audiovisual installation This work refers to the theme of subjectivity of personal perception, expressed through abstract graphics, on four screens. Every screen represents a visually different response to aspects of the overall sound environment. Event generation is based on the parametric sequence. This sequence is most fully manifested in sound, different screens reflect separate layers and transform into graphics according to their subjectivity. Each screen has its own recursive character of image generation which complicates the unique picture of its representation of the sound environment. The viewer can form his own idea of ​​the relationship between the main sequence and the screens’ interpretations. Subsequence was presented at the exhibition A=A? of Synthposium 2017 festival in the Great Wine Cellar of the WINZAVOD Contemporary Art Center. Subsequence, 2017 алгоритмическая аудиовизуальная инсталляция Эта работа обращается к теме субъективности персонального восприятия, выраженного через абстрактную графику, на четырех экранах. Экраны представляют визуально разную реакцию на аспекты общей звуковой среды. Происходящее генерируется на основе параметрической секвенции. В звуке эта секвенция проявляется наиболее полно, а разные экраны отражают ее отдельные слои и согласно своей субъективности преобразуют в графику. Вместе с этим каждый экран имеет собственный рекурсивный характер построения изображения, что усложняет неповторимую картину его представления звуковой среды. Зритель может составить свое представление об отношениях между основной секвенцией и том, как экраны ее интерпретируют. Subsequence была представлена на выставке А=А?, прошедшей в рамках Synthposium 2017, в Большом Винохранилище Центра современного искусства ВИНЗАВОД.


The interrelations of the elements of sets, the patterns of their combinations, and the constancy of recurring circumstances constitute the stabilities of our existence. Audiovisual screening at Plumps Pop Up Festival Moscow 2017