Christiano Neves and Fernando Barbella, two creatives living and working in London, have created The Mobile Parking Lot, a product for people with device addiction issues. Isn’t it a little bit annoying being in a meeting and seeing how some of the people you’re talking with just don’t stop staring at their phone screens? Or perhaps you’ve found yourself being the one that is not looking or paying enough attention to your interlocutors at meetings… Fact is, most of us have been exposed either passively or actively to this problem of the current times. Neves and Barbella contend that eye contact is the ultimate tool that lets anyone in a meeting know you’re paying attention. That’s why they’ve created and launched up to eight (so far) different versions of this non-tech device that will help us have more productive and well-mannered meetings. Please, next time you’re invited to a meeting at work, #ParkThatPhone.