‘Lock Out’ is written and directed by talented Irish filmmaking duo Stephen St Ledger and James Mather, the team behind the 2004 short Prey Alone. Their first foray into feature films is made with the backing of French Studio Europacorp headed by the acclaimed Luc Besson (I Love You Philip Morris, From Paris with Love) who will also produce the film.
‘Lock Out’ (previously entitled ‘Section 8’) takes place in a prison orbiting 50 miles above the earth. The prison houses 500 of the world’s most dangerous prisoners, who are kept asleep by sophisticated techniques until they suddenly awoken. The project boasts a $30 million budget.
Windmill Lane are thus commencing a recruitment drive for key VFX personnel. The drive is already attracting key UK industry interest and any individual interested in applying for any of the eight positions listed below should visit iftn.ie/jobs for further details and application instructions.
The positions Windmill are seeking to fill for ‘Lock Out’ are:
- Modellers
- Matchmover
- Texture Painter
- Lighting TDs
- TD Generalist
- CG Effects TD
- VFX Production Coordinator
- Compositors & Rotoscope Artists
More on this story at http://www.iftn.ie/news/?act1=record&only=1&aid=73&rid=4283225&tpl=archnew s&force=1