Motor to Nuke

Hi there!

I need to import motor rotos to Nuke. I know there is a script which should allow to do it but as the whole highend3d and fxshare site got reorganized lately it seems that that plugin also got lost. At least the old links do not work for it anymore:…ipts/5148.html

Does anyone have it floating around on their hard disk and is able to share it?

Thank you very much!

Nuke green screen key mix overkill

Hey guys, practicing nuke keying with multiple mattes. Hoping that I am not using key mix in overkill. Please take a look at my image and let me know if there is a simpler way to accomplish a better, more streamline key.


Attached Thumbnails

Click image for larger version

Name:	keymix overkill.jpg
Views:	N/A
Size:	1,009.6 KB
ID:	8506

Behind the scenes!

This is a behind the scenes from “The Commitment”. It´s in Swedish but it features a part about one of the VFX scenes and shows how we shot the fire etc so I figured it might be interesting in this forum anyway.

We have about three big VFX scenes in the movie. I believe in shooting the different parts instead of creating everything in the post so it was mostly compositing in AE but also some adding of smoke, flares, animations etc

//Markus Bohman

versace couture…s-cut_creation
this is my last work in 3d from versace couture
soft : maya 2009.Zbrush and render in mental ray

New trailer “The Legacy”

Check out the trailer for the new film “The Legacy.” Coming soon to festivals…


official site

3d Interaction with live action

Ok here’s the story:
Doing some training vids where there’s going to be things happening in the background that interact with the speaker in the foreground (who is simply going be filmed infront of a green screen).

Is there any resources out there, hints, tips, tricks or inspiration out there of 2d and 3d interaction with live action that anyone could recommend pretty please?:scorching:bomb::rip::happydevi

Raf Wathion The Mill Turntable Lexus

Raf Wathion and The Mill, LA teamed up to create this nuanced piece of art for Lexus via Team One.

Taking a sculptural approach, three of the Lexus’ new features are represented through visual analogy. As some car work seems to exploit the peak of technical and stylistic saturation, it’s always refreshing to see directors take a more subtle approach.

Though this spot was produced while at Rabbit, Raf has recently joined Skunk for US representation.

Agency: Team One Advertising
Creatives: Chris Graves (CCO), James Hendry & Craig Crawford (GCD), Molly Grubbs (Copywriter), Ryan Fluet (Art Director)
Agency Exec Producer: Jennifer Weinberg
Agency Producer: Helen Park

Production Company: Rabbit
Director: Raf Wathion
Director of Photography: Stephen Blackman
Exec Producer: Anura Idupuganti
Line Producer: Fred Vrancken

Editing Company: Butcher
Editor: Dave Henegar
Music: Robot Repair

Post Production: The Mill / Los Angeles
Executive Producer: Sue Troyan
Producer: Arielle Davis
Shoot Attend: John Leonti
Lead Flame Artist: Giles Cheetham
Assistant Artists: Ant Walsham, Billy Higgins, Gavin Camp, Mike Plescia, Shane Zinkhon
CG Lead: John Leonti
CG Artists: Michael Panov, Meng-Yang Lu

Posted on Motionographer



We are producton company currently in produciton of a feature film that has 937 VFX shots. We are looking for a team of talented, experienced VFX artists. We still need,

Matchmovers, Animators, TD’s, R&D Crew, Programmers, Shader Writers, Hair + Sim TD’s, Modellers, Texture Artists, Lighting Artists, Matte Painters, 2d Senior Compositors, 3d Senior compositors.

Work hours vary from 12+to 15+, 7 days a week depending on the workload. If for any reason you cannot work on a daily basis, you will be replaced, given a DVD of your work and sent on your way.

All VFX shots are required to be up to a completely and utterly convincing photorealistic standard and creative freedom will not be an option. All Applicants must be able to take direct orders from thier HOD’s without question.

Due to the careful planning and budgeting, we have no vfx budget however, we CAN provide sandwhiches, instant coffee, tap water, ice, etc

This is the best opertunity avaliable to work on what will be an award winning master piece. I know, I’m making it.

All Applicants please apply to

Note: Only people with 2+ years industry exp will be considered

Cheers 🙂

.ma tracks

I have been handed over bunch of tracks in a format of .ma. I suppose it is a maya comaptible track, camera track, 3d track?
Is there a way I could load that data straight into nuke? I got no maya stations available to me to see what lies in the files. So far I have always been working with boujou tracks.

Thank you!

Ebon Heath: Stereo.type

Ebon Heath is a Brooklyn based arist/designer/professor who creates complex physical, kinetic typographic structures. Check out his full portfolio: