What do you talk about OUTSIDE of work?

I sometimes finds myself in the position where my co-workers/friends will talk about visual effects, and when ever we are outside. Wether it be lunch time, or going out to the movies or to drinks, somehow the topic always ends up going back to work. And I find myself usually having to sway the conversation to another topic all together. Video Games. A concert they went to. A book they read. A movie they watched (and NOT talk about the effects). Or a girlfriend in their lives. Yet the topic will always seem to go back to work. Including such mundane things as how the last movie messed up the LUT and all our shots look like ass.

One of my friends in vfx told me he likes hanging out with me because I don’t talk about VFX outside of the office. And I while I think my co-workers/friends rock… the last thing I want to talk on the way to the movies is a roto shape that needs to be kicked back because it wobbles. I don’t even like talking about VFX after we watch the movie. I just want to watch the movie as an overall package, and the vfx should just blend into the story.

What about you guys? What do you talk about in your spare time outside of the office with your fellow VFX chum? Or are you guilty of talking VFX non stop?

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