Noob question: Offsetting tracks

Hi all,

I’m an experienced After Effects user trying to get into Nuke and are already struggling with some basic concepts. One thing I just can’t get into is how to composite certain parts of my different nodes together. What I mean by this is: I have two dpx-sequences. One of the seqs is 10 seconds long, the other one is 3 seconds. I want to composite the last 3 seconds of the 10sec seq over the 3-sec seq. How do I offset the read-nodes? When I turn the timeline to "input" the dpx-sequences got their own frame-numbers starting at totally different frames around 321657. So the only chance for me to see one of the seqs is to change the "global" timeline to that number.

Can anyone give me a hint what kind of basic concept I’m missing here and where to read/learn about it?

Thank you!

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