I made a scene collection script for Nuke try 2

This post didn’t seem to go through correctly when I tried to do it before. Maybe because I’m new here and posted links, which looks like spam. not sure. Anyway, I thought I’d post this here for people who use Nuke. It’s a scene collection shell script for OS X/Linux and it even creates a copy of the script with relinked "read" nodes linked to the external files (the untouched original script is also collected):


here it is, if you interested ( http://www.can-con.ca/downloads/nukecollectscript.zip ). It’s on Nukepedia but they didn’t update to the 1.2 one yet, and this is the one with relinking. The contents are pretty straightforward – it’s just using stuff like sed, awk, etc to parse the Nuke file and output a series of copies and stuff. Enjoy.

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