Cache woes with Nuke 6.3v2

Hey guys,

Is anyone else experiencing, like, major cache issues? I haven’t had this problem before 6.3v2, but I’m not sure if it’s just me, or if it’s a memory issue (which I upgraded, recently) or disk issues (I just bought an SSD to serve as my OS disk, but all my caches are on a RAID)…

Pretty much, what’s happening is, every so often, in the viewer, the frame will start to render, and then at an indeterminate point, it’ll just fill the rest of the frame with some other frame, randomly. And then, once that’s cached, the frame is stuck like that. I have to go to another frame, clear my disk cache, clear my buffers, update my buffers, reload my read node, and go back to the frame in question… and if the frame needs to re-render for any reason (scaling in the viewport, changing a parameter, etc), I have to cross my fingers and hope it doesn’t happen again… because, more often than not, it does.

And it’s not just one particular frame that this happens to – it can happen to any frame, from any sequence, from any location on any drive. And it’s not just in the viewer – I’ve rendered precomps that end up with corrupt frames. It happens with a clean install of Nuke, no plugins or gizmos or python scripts. It happens eventually after I reboot. It happens whether or not I lay a diskcache node on. It happens regardless of whether I’m using aggressive caching. It happens with image sequences, quicktime movies, and raw red footage. It happens without warning. It happens regardless of viewer bit-depth, or whether or not I guide Nuke to utilize the GPU. It. won’t. stop. happening.

But… I’ve searched around the internet, and I’m beginning to think that this happens only to me… so… not totally sure if it’s Nuke or what. But I’ve been troubleshooting this crap for the past week so frequently that I’m barely getting work done, and I am really – really – really frustrated.

Anyone? Wanted to check to see if anyone else was having issues before bothering The Foundry.

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