Accessing child nodes of a gizmo with python

Hi guys!

I can’t manage to get the child nodes from a gizmo… actually it’s quite simple, if I create a group in the graph, and I get it via a toNode or selectedNode method, I get a "Group" object (which is a subclass of "Node") and so I can access all its child nodes via the "nodes" method…
the problem is that when I try to do that with a gizmo, I though it would return a "Gizmo" object (defined as a subclass of "Group" and "Node" in help files) but instead it returns a Node object, whiche hasn’t any "nodes" property.

Actually I’m trying to execute some script via a "knobchanged" callback on a gizmo, so as defined in help, you can access the gizmo with the "thisNode" method, but I can’t find a way to access its inside nodes (I want to use a "sample" function on a precise node inside the gizmo)
Any clues ?


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