Ro Rao: Nike Women


Curious Pictures’ Ro Rao created an ambitious series of shorts for Nike Women’s “Be Transformed” campaign running in the Asia/Pacific region, masterminded by digital agency AKQA:

The series employs two distinct styles. For “Meteor,” “Punching Bag,” and “Bike,” Ro worked with Tampa-based Humoring The Fates to create anime mini-epics. To create the 3D neo-psychedlia of “Jump Rope,” Ro teamed up with Zoink Animation in Sweden.

In addition to jumping between the two styles of the athletes’ transformations, Ro did a great job developing a look for the live action. It’s polished stuff that feels like a departure from his Ro’s portfolilo to date, which is mostly a lo-fi blend of kitch and comedy. (You might remember this viral smash-hit he co-directed with Abraham Spear.)

I’m curious to see where Ro goes from here. (Ha! “Curious.” Curious Pictures. Get it? Okay, sorry.)

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Ro Rao: Nike Women

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