Download DVD to PC -upload clips to After Effects-Which file format is best/lossless?

I’m working with After Effects on a PC, and I’ve encountered a problem with the type of file formats that After Effects CS3 accepts.

I’d like to download a DVD onto my computer’s harddrive and then import clips/sequences from it into AE. (I have a DVD of an old film that was missing some effects due to the producer’s lack of budget, and I’ve gotten the original storyboards and thought it would be fun to recreate those "missing effects" and matte paintings & edit these back into the movie).

The download from the DVD is in vob format (uncompressed 1:1 – I used DVD Shrink) and I’m trying to convert these files into a format After Effects will accept. I’m searching for a format where the conversion is lossless/without compression (the imagery from the DVD is poor enough & I don’t wish to make it any worse).

Would you have any suggestions on this? Thanks for all your help!

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