Design Folios with Google Maps

Using an application, like CASA’s Image Cutter or the Automatic Tile Cutter, you can create your own map tiles for Google Maps. This means that you can replace image map tiles with any image tiles you like including other maps, or more importantly for designers and artist, replace them with portfolio images!

Here are some 5 examples of design portfolios using Google Maps:

Markus Dressenmicrotyp.jpg

Blaubo Designblaubo.jpg

Stas Kuleshstas.jpg

Academie Arnhem Portfolio Mapacademie.jpg

Kalle Hagmankallehagman.jpg

All you need to do is create map tiles from a collage of work.The Google Maps’ navigation tools can then be used to zoom in on designs and map markers to provide further information about an individual work.

Some of the first to make use of this technology were game fans, producing maps for World of Warcraft and Grand Theft Auto.

Reblog from original source: googlemapsmania

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