Displaying frame sequence info.

I’m working on a CG game cutscene.
Working with frame sequences.

I would like to be able to display the file being sourced in a text node.
I know I can display the currect frame in shake by using "{time}"
I also know I can display the entire sequence name of a file in using ":FileSequence.baseFile"

I would like the display the current frame being sourced at each frame of a ‘file in’ node.
It happens when you flip book an image sequence. You see the .exr /.tga displaying at the top of the flipbook.

I would like this because I’m being forced to use image sequences that are rendered every 4th or 2nd frame and having to slide a lot of stuff around. I would really like to have the option to display the image being sourced at any given shake frame.

Any help is appreciated.


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