Parachute landing

Hi, can anyone tell me how a parachute landing scene is executed. i got the plane part (where it just flies off) but how to do the parachute opening thing and the cargo/person dropping part.

tedious greenscreen

Hi there. I have bad lit greenscreen shot here and did the most with keylight… but as there are some bad green reflections on the object to key I painted a rotoshape and animated it. So far so well, but putting the Rotoshape into the keylights hold out matte input results in strange colors… I posted a picture of the script so you can make yourself a picture. Anyone familiar with this issue??

Greets, kimsay

Attached Thumbnails

Click image for larger version

Name:	greenscreen.jpg
Views:	N/A
Size:	111.1 KB
ID:	10361

How much are my videos worth

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I am trying to start a video company, but I dont know what my videos are worth, or if they are evn good enough to charge for. I am using two canon gl1s but will be upgrading to a panasonic lumix gh1 here is a link to a recent video . It was from a 12 hr event targeting the fans. Any help would be great. I shot and edited ever video I have done, and with some I had the help of an extra camera man. It is my dream to do video and for me the sky is the limit, but I have only been doing this for 4 months. If you would be willing to give me any feed back I would be greatly appreciative. I am willing to work as hard as it takes to become great. Here is also a link to my youtube channel If you can find the time to look through the videos I would be greatly appreciative. Thank you for any feed back


Camera Solve has too much Z depth

Using PFTrack 5 PLE here.

I notice that most of my Camera solves when shooting with a Sony EX1 have far too much Z Depth. I have some shallow scenes that have auto features way too far apart in Z. The Focal Length was recorded for each shot (in 35mm equivalent)

Any general advice to correct this?

Should I be using the HD 1080/24 camera preset, or a custom film back that exactly matches the EX1 sensor size? Would that have any impact on this problem?

environment reflection based on materials BRDF?


From the info I’ve gathered so far, doing environment reflection in Nuke is limited to throwing env. reflection onto all objects/whole image based on a universal BRDF (Phong or Blinn) regardless the scene objects own BRDF (ex. car’s paint, rubber tire, and chrome with varied glossy reflection).

I am wondering if it is possible to do accurate environment reflection based on materials BRDF in Nuke (as interactive as possible). For example, if its is possible to bake (or render a pass) environment reflection look-up of various materials in a scene into textures/point-cloud/Ptex or any form of data structure, then one can use it as a lookup to the environment map to get "per-material" environment reflection in Nuke? Kind of like a reflection vector pass but with the glossiness information of various materials contained for env. reflection look-up.

Hope my question makes sense and correct me if any info I mentioned is incorrect.


Best way to key this?

just wondering…there probably isn’t an easy-way, so what is the best way to key out the aquarium and but leave the fishes in this shot.

Thank you very much for any advice or suggestions!

a request PLZ !!!!

can some one plz …PLZ upload war of the worlds 2005 EXTRAS (making of,production diary,casting) i don’t want the movie itself but the extras only
or don’t upload it but give me a link to download the complete making of ……..cuz watching the making of a spielberg’s visually stunning movie would be GREAT

thx in advance

3D Tracking an “Handheld Nodel Pan”


I often run into problems solving NodelPans wich are shot handheld.
The Cam is moving but not "really" changes position, mostly rotation!

Do I set up my Camera best as a FreeMove or as a NodelPan?

The most time when i set something up like this, with as a "freeMove" it solves the points "right" but the cam is doing crazy stuff, althoug everything looks as if its sticking!

NodelPan works often fine, but it cant be correct because i know the cam is moving AND i have no PointClouD(No reference photos!)


I m using pftrack!

it would be very great if someone could give me an advice wich technique is best for such shots!

thanks Louis:confused:

PFBarrel plug-in?

The PFTrack manual mentions a PFBarrel plug-in for After Effects that applies dewarping based on Track’s lens distortion settings.

I can’t find any mention of it on their website. Is it dead? Does it work with CS5?

PostFolio TV

Announcing the brand new PostFolio TV – check it out here:
It’s simple to use and inspiring to watch. All you have to do is to Log In, upload your showreel or videos in your gallery and then sit back and relax. You are “On Air” with other members’ hard work.

TV is dead. Long live PostFolio TV!

Keep the good work :thumbsup:
PostFolio Team