Motion Graphics: 50 utili consigli

Motion Graphics: 50 utili consigli

La rivista Computer Arts pubblica 50 suggerimenti (in inglese) per fare titoli e grafica televisiva proposti da alcuni video designer inglesi. Da leggere e tenere sott’occhio…

Tommy Wooh

New reel and works from talented Tommy Wooh on flickr.

Leandro Feuz

Great works from freelance Director/Designer/Animator Leandro Feuz.

Fujiya & Miyagi: Sore Thumb

Per il nuovo video del duo britannico Fujiya & Miyagi, il regista Wade Shotter, con l’aiuto dell’art director Steve Gallagher e la sua squadra Block 9, ha ricreato dal vero sul set l’animazione grafica dei videogiochi dei primi anni ‘80.

La band veste tute nere con wireframe che delineano i loro corpi. Anche i carrarmati in miniatura sono wireframe e gli sfondi sono stati stampati e ripresi in studio.

Ma non tutto è stato ricreato in camera, per il lettering e altri piccoli elementi è intervenuto lo studio Digital Distortion.

Il connubio girato e digitale è perfetto e l’effetto trae facilmente in inganno.

Articolo redatto da Sergio Damele

Rex Box – Grip Wrench


I’ve been waiting for this ever since I saw early artwork on the Rex Box (Rex Crowle) blog, Hairyteeth (By the way, you may know more of Rex’s work from the immensely popular PS3 game, LittleBigPlanet). Gripwrench has launched! Rex has been working on this 10 part series for MTV for what seems like forever, and its a pleasure to see his unique character design and animation go live in these longer form pieces.

I can sit and continue how great I think this stuff is, or you can stop wasting time and go watch the clips and read other material on the site right now, including a great snippet on how Rex came up with the character in ‘The Making‘ and some crazy Grip-Wrench’d posters in ‘The Meat’.

So, enjoy: Grip Wrench.

And for extra giggles, check out his myspace.

Posted on Motionographer

Rex Box – Grip Wrench

Walking In The Air

Electrabel spot : 2009

Amazing stop-motion work in this spot for Electrabel. Directed by Raf Wathion.(watch in youtube’s HD)

Richard Rosenman : Astral I.Ds

New animated IDs for Astral broadcasting from Toronto CG Director Richard Rosenman for Hatch Studios.

Superfad : New Museum

To ring in the first anniversary of the iconic New Museum in NYC, Superfad designed an infographic video greeting card celebrating their accomplishments. : All I Want For Christmas

All I Want For Christmas : short created by Thiago Maia for the Glug Xmas competition.